We are excited to be offering these sleeves!
- Thicker Than Any Other "Standard" Sleeves -Most "Standard" Sleeves are 40 microns thick, a few are even 50 microns. Ours are 60-microns thick! That is 50% more than most!
- 10% More Sleeves Than The Other Guys -Most sleeves come 100/pack. We are the only brand offering 110 per pack! 10% more FREE!
- Cheaper Than Other Brands -Most brands retail for $3 or more per 50 pack. We are offering ours for $2-$3 per pack for even the largest sizes.
- Buy Direct From The Manufacturer & Save! -How are we able to offer these so cheap? We ARE sleeve-kings-! This is our brand! We buy directly from the factory and sell directly to you. There is no middleman!
- "Tough As Nails!" We are guaranteeing our sleeve will not split! This is literally a first in the industry. For more info on how we do this click HERE.
These sleeves are perfect for any games with 78 X 113 MM cards, like Blood Bowl. Please see the photos, these sleeves are about 79.5 X 114.5 MM in their outside dimensions. The cards for Blood Bowl have been reported as being just a little TOO big for 75 X 110 sleeves (per HERE), so the cards are about 76 X 111 MM for some strange reason, so these sleeves will be about 2 MM too big and 2 long in total, but still well within the tolerance for card sleeves. We made them this size so they will fit a few other games of 78 X 113 MM size cards. Just know they are a bit too big as per the photo of the Blood Bowl card inside the sleeve sent by a customer.
Other games that have cards this size include:
Blood Bowl (2016 edition)
Blood Bowl (2016 Edition): Chaos Chosen Team Card Pack
Blood Bowl (2016 Edition): Dark Elf Team Card Pack
Blood Bowl (2016 Edition): Dwarf Team Card Pack
Blood Bowl (2016 edition): Elven Union Team Card Pack
Blood Bowl (2016 edition): Human Team Card Pack
Blood Bowl (2016 Edition): Nurgle Team Card Pack
Blood Bowl (2016 edition): Orc Team Card Pack
Blood Bowl (2016 Edition): Shambling Undead Team Card Pack
Blood Bowl (2016 Edition): Skaven Team Card Pack
Blood Bowl (2016 edition): Special Play Cards – Hall of Fame Pack
Blood Bowl (2016 edition): Special Play Cards – Team Titans Pack
Necromunda: Underhive
Warhammer 40000: Kill Team