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The half-track Sd.Kfz. 250 was widely used by German mechanized troops during the Second World War. Based upon on the technical "lay-out" of the Sd.Kfz.10 artillery tractor, it was intended to be a flexible and reliable solution for integrating infantry and armored troop movements. The Sd.Kfz. 250 was armed with either one or two 7.92mm MG34 machine guns and could deploy, with a high level of protection, a 4-man infantry squad to the battlefield. The operational reliability of the vehicle led to the development of numerous variants, one of which was the 250/3 Leichter Funkpanzerwagen (Light Armored Radio Link Vehicle), used as a radio control nerve center between forward troops, artillery and air support. The "Greif" used by Erwin Rommel in North Africa as a fully advanced command post in close contact with frontline troops is a noted version.